Hello once again from Sunny Singapore! I wanted to set the record straight once and for all with regards to beef short ribs. The post I had up on the blog months ago featured ribs that were not short ribs but spare ribs instead. All beef but not short ribs which I’ve found out are quite tough to come by. If you remember the awesome recipe for Beef Cheeks (click to see the post) you’ll find the exact recipe for short ribs. The only difference I employed this time was to rub the ribs the night before. These babies sat in the fridge for more than 30 hours before I smoked them and steeped them to perfection!
So, thanks to Peter and Jack once again at The Butcher for hooking us up with some incredibly yummy looking beef short ribs. The blog will feature a photo essay instead…again, click the link above for beef cheeks to get all the details on how and what to do!
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Overall Heather Rating: 7/10